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Lose Weight Easily, Naturally and for Good!

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Transformational Hypnosis for Weight Loss

“Change your thinking, Change your life”.


Close your eyes, breathe, relax. Imagine yourself resisting the urge to overindulge. Imagine you no longer crave unhealthy foods. Imagine you no longer feel the need to comfort yourself with food.


If you want to become healthy, lean, and happy….you’ve come to the right place.


Overeating and overindulgence tend to be associated in our minds with certain feelings, relationships, and events that happened in childhood. Childhood trauma along with everyday stress is the most common cause of weight gain. It often leads to overeating, emotional eating, and an unhealthy relationship with food.


Our subconscious minds have convinced us that in certain situations food serves an essential purpose to comfort stress and fill an emptiness inside us. Ultimately, to achieve long-term weight loss, we must heal the root cause of our pain.


Hypnotherapy and NLP helps us to heal these past wounds and let go of overeating patterns we feel we have no control over. With this hypnotherapeutic weight loss program, you will create a new belief system and understanding that will give you the lifelong results you want. By the end of your journey, you’ll have discovered an inner freedom that you didn’t know was even possible.


With hypnotherapy for weight-loss, you will:

– Reframe your inner voice from one of negative limiting beliefs to a new belief system of empowerment; creating a new belief system will give you the weight loss results you want.

– Develop intuitive methods to keep you from overeating.

– Access the root cause of your overeating by healing past wounds that are causing your toxic relationship with food.

– Develop exercise motivation to increase your energy and your resting metabolism.

– Eat healthy automatically by developing new coping mechanisms to make healthy food choices.

– Utilize powerful NLP techniques to re-wire your brain and banish old patterns of unhealthy eating behavior.


Are you ready to look amazing, feel fabulous, and transform your body for life? Everything you need is right here!

“Researchers found Hypnosis and guided visualization were over 30 times as effective for weight loss than dieting alone. Clients within the hypnosis group lost on average 17 pounds versus .5 pounds with diet alone”.~Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986)Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492.


***Weight-Loss Medications: Obesity is a a health emergency and even for those that are not technically obese. If you are on a weightloss medication or thinking about it, YOU WILL need to change your eating habits, exercise and and if necessary, find the root cause of your over eating. Invest in both. It 100% worth it.


“I want to let you know I’ve lost 22 more pounds in the past 3 months listening to the program. I’m going to have my mom and sister come see you soon”.

Cindy Egoscue


“When my best friend referred me to this hypnosis for weight loss program, I was skeptical. How many times have I tried weight loss programs?  But I read “change your thinking change or life” and I did it. I changed everything. I no longer go to food when I have a stressful day. I can look at the negative day and use visualization techniques I learned to head off over eating. Loosing weight and feeling good about myself. – What a gift”.

Diana Picket

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