Providing Client Care with a Personal Touch
What is Hypnosis?
We have all been in a hypnotic state, in fact, most of us visit this state every day.
Have you ever been driving and all of a sudden your exit is right there? So focused on a movie or a television program that you didn't hear someone calling your name? Have you ever been so deep in thought that you almost had to be shaken out of it? Or have you ever daydreamed?
Of course, we all do things like this on a daily basis. This is what it is like being hypnotized. When in hypnosis, you can hear everything going on around you, you can hear all of the suggestions you're being given and most times people say to me,
" I don't think I was hypnotized." When asked why, the reply is usually, " Because I heard everything you said."
Remember this.....
If you don't hear anything, you are not hypnotized, you are sleeping!
You Can be 88% More Alert Under Hypnosis!
When in hypnosis, you can bring yourself out whenever you truly desire too. People have asked, "What happens if the hypnotist/hypnotherapist walks away or something happens to him or her and I'm in hypnosis?" Don't will either gradually go deeper and then wake up or simply begin to rise out of the hypnotic state to a fully conscious state.
There are various definitions for hypnosis though they all mean the same thing. Simply put, hypnosis can be explained this way. When a person is in a relaxed state, the conscious mind is able to be bypassed in order to directly make suggestions to the subconscious mind. That's basically it. That's all you need to understand in order to grasp the idea. The subconscious mind then accepts these suggestions and creates the behavior changes or body changes in order to achieve the given suggestions. When in hypnotic trance, the subconscious mind is 88% more alert than in a conscious state.
How Hypnosis Works
At any level of hypnosis, whether induced or accidental, the subconscious mind is open and receptive to the acceptance of any and all suggestions or information without discretion, rejecting only those basically evil and unhealthy, thus following the natural law of survival. As this depth of the hypnotic state increases, the acceptance and responses to suggestions are proportionately affected.
While the conscious mind is not predictable in its direction, varying unexpectedly from one direction to another, the subconscious is definitely very predictable. In some cases, this subconscious level of awareness fits precisely in a pattern. Whatever and whenever the subconscious creates an image or belief, it will cause the conscious mind to transform itself to fit that image or belief. Belief in success tends to produce success. Another one of those predictable patterns of conduct occurs when the subconscious fear produces a fearful behavior. Fear of failure does produce failure. The most recognized pattern is that the subconscious refuses to surrender activity or function primarily reserved for the subconscious mind. Walking, for example, is a function of the subconscious, and any attempt to consciously move the muscles in an effort to walk produces an awkward response. The harder one tries, the more difficult the task becomes.
The degree of success in hypnosis depends upon each individual’s needs, desires, and beliefs. Two things are absolutely necessary: (1) the desire to accomplish something and (2) the belief in what is desired. Without these two elements, the hypnotic session is doomed to failure from its very inception. Hypnosis doesn’t work for everyone because everyone doesn’t have the desire or belief in what they seek.
In conclusion…your results are based on your beliefs… remember…the subconscious mind does not know the difference between fact and fantasy- so with each session imagine the suggestions as fact…take them as an absolute truth… …and watch the transformation begin.